The Chang-Maxemchuk algorithm (US Patent 4,725,834 ) solves atomic broadcast (and in-order broadcast) problems for distributed networks in a far simpler and more efficient way than some popular alternatives. In fact, the obscurity of this method is hard to understand given the current interest in distributed consensus.

The basic idea is simple algebra. A source site or process broadcasts “data messages” to a list of sites n sites. Data messages are tagged with sequence numbers and each sequence number is associated with exactly one “responsible”destination site so that  n consecutive sequence numbers map to n sites (the entire list).  For example, if the list sites are numbered 0 … n-1, then sequence number q could be mapped to responsible site q mod n.  Sites on the list broadcast numbered acknowledgment messages to all sites on the list and the source. Only the responsible site for sequence number can create an acknowledgment message numbered  i and the responsible site will only create the acknowledgment if it has received data message i and all lower numbered data messages and acknowledgment messages.  As a result, when the source sees acknowledgment message n+i it is assured that all sites have received the data message numbered  and the acknowledgment.

That’s normal operation mode. There is a reformation mode which is used to create  a list after a failure.  Reading the reformation mode description in the original paper is a good education in how to describe standard “leader election” clearly:

Any site that detects a failure or recovery initiates a reformation and is called an originator. It invites other sites in the broadcast group, the slaves, to form a new list. The reformation process can be described in terms of the activities of sites joining and committing a valid list. A valid list satisfies a set of specific requirements, as explained below. When the reformation starts, a site is invited to join a new list and eventually commits to a valid list. When all of the sites in a valid list are committed to this list, the list will be authorized with a token and the reformation terminates. This list becomes the new token list. Multiple originators can exist if more than one site discovers the failure or recovery. During the reformation, it is possible that acknowledged messages from the old token list have been missed by all sites that join a new list.

To guarantee that there is only one new list and that this list has all of the committed messages, the list must be tested before it can be considered a valid list. Specifically, a list becomes valid if it passes the majority test, the sequence test, and the resiliency test.

Majority Test. The majority test requires that a valid list has a majority of the sites in the broadcast group. During the reformation, a site can join only one list. The majority test is necessary to ensure that only one valid list can be formed.

Sequence Test. The sequence test requires that a site only join a list with a higher version number than the list it previously belonged to. The version number of a token list is in the form of (version #, site number). Each site has a unique site number. When a new list is formed, the originator chooses the new version # to be the version # of the last list it has joined plus one. Therefore, token lists have unique version numbers.

The originator always passes the sequence test. If any of the slaves fail the sequence test, it tells the originator its version number. The originator increments the higher version # the next time it tries to form a new list. The combination of the majority and the sequence test ensures that all valid lists have increasing version numbers. This is true because any two valid lists must have at least one site in common, and a site can join a second list only if the second list has a higher version number. Therefore, the version numbers indicate the sequence in which token lists were formed.

This paper was published 1984 and the first Paxos paper was from 1988. In my opinion Paxos is a big step backwards from CM.


Chang-Maxemchuk atomic broadcast
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