Two-way string matching And an implementation in Musl. The C standard post C11 The Rube-Goldberg approach to fault tolerance in NTPd which is not worse than PTP fault tolerance but a lot worse than what is done in TimeKeeper. Interesting but
James Damore’s defenders (updated)

(recently saw a post claiming that Damore’s firing was an indication of closed minds at Google, so it seemed important to repost this – vy) The Google manifesto is a crackpot political argument combined with basic scientific ignorance, not a scientific
Google Manifesto shows that many programmers are bad at logic
Everyone can recognize some kinds of spurious reasoning – like the following: (A) Most programmers are not great. (B) Google tries to hire only excellent programmers (C) A implies B is hopeless and counterproductive and demoralizing Clearly, step (C) is