When people think of mathematical models of state for programs and other computer systems, it’s natural and conventional to consider state as a map from symbolic names of state variable to values. This is an error for a number
State equations
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Operations and maps on finite sequences
A lot of what I’m trying to do with mathematical models of computer systems involves operations on finite sequences. Define a “finite sequence of length n>0” to be any total map f: {1 … n} → X for some set X.
A mathematical basis for understanding software modularity
Process algebra is based on a misunderstanding of automata theory
Robin Milner’s book Communication and Concurrency involves a take on state machines that is fundamentally incorrect. “Now in standard automata theory, an automaton is interpreted as a language i.e. as a set of strings over the alphabet.“ That’s not at
Practical State Machines for Computer Software and Engineering
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Theories of abstract automata – Arbib
We have said that automata theory deals with the realization of partial functions F: X* —» Y* by some finitely specifiable substrate. Before we specify in more detail the forms (of which the Turing machine is one) of substrate which
Algebra for computer science and function nesting
The fundamental mathematical basis of computer science is that code and data are the same things. A sequence of bits can represent real numbers, integers, vectors, groups, matrices, video , audio, or programs, algorithms or even proofs. When we try
Primitive recursion over words
From: @book{Peter:1982:RFC:539249, author = {Peter, Roezsa}, title = {Recursive Functions in Computer Theory}, year = {1982}, isbn = {0470271957}, publisher = {Halsted Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, }
Pointers draft
Despite pedants, pointers are useful and interesting and if you don’t understand them, you don’t really get what’s going on in a computer. Think of memory as a function $latex M: N\to N$ where $latex N$ is the set of