Incumbent Capitalism

This is one of my big beefs with the way we think about capitalism in this country: We fundamentally support what I call incumbency capitalism. We don’t support innovation capitalism. What’s the difference? Every rule around tax credits in the


Most of the diplomatic messages released by Wikileaks have been traced to a US defence department network, known as Siprnet, used for the exchange of classified information, media reports say. [..] It is thought about 2.5 million US military and

State of the art

int cpu_features[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { cpu_features[get_cur_cpu_number()] = cpuid_get_features(); usleep(100); } for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) printf(“CPU %d features: %xn”, j, cpu_features[j]);