Financial trading venues and trading systems operate so quickly and rely on clocks so deeply that events like the one noted in this FINRA report are more common than many understand The findings stated that the firm transmitted to OATS
MiFID2 Timestamp regulations
There are a number of places in the new guidelines that increase the rigor required for timestamping data. One key part covers SI’s (systematic internalizers) who operate kind-of like private exchanges. TimeKeeper’s ability to produce traceable audit and to use
Data tiedowns with reliable time stamping
Management teams are growing more reliant on the ability to immediately access and quickly sort through massive amounts of data to find the information they need – Data Governance for Financial Institution A “data tiedown” is a reliable and cross-checked timestamp
Data integrity depends on time synchronization
In a distributed compute system, such as any multi-device transaction system or database, time synchronization is essential to data integrity. The simplest case is a multi-step transaction over multiple compute devices – something that is common to a wide range